“Creating a real positive impact on society, by collaborating across the globe with amazingly inspiring individuals!” - Colette Grosscurt

Shapers are united by a common desire to make changes in the following three impact areas.

We are currently working on our 2023/24 focus points, goals and projects. Would you like to work with us on this or do you know of a local initiative that would benefit from some support. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


1. Fight climate change and protect nature: mobilize 1 million people to influence policy and drive action to safeguard our planet.

2. Accelerate equity and inclusion: equip 100,000 people with the knowledge and skills to drive action on diversity, equity and inclusion.

3. Future-proof education and entrepreneurship: equip 100,000 people with formative digital literacy and market-ready skills for employment.

Past Initiative - Humans of Covid

As a part of our Covid-19 response we highlighted and connected initiatives that have had positive impact in The Netherlands on a weekly basis — from delivering flowers to elderly people and providing a lifeline to parents to a YouTube channel with daily videos for suddenly homeschooled kids.

Changing the world is possible.

To achieve these goals, on a regional or global scale the community for example joins forces across hubs on campaigns like #WeSeeEqual or #StepUpClimateAction. In light of the latter, the community has partnered with Climate Reality to provide Shapers with the training and tools to better understand climate science and drive environmental change in their home cities.

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Other communities

Other World Economic Forum Communities include the Young Global Leaders, the Global Agenda Councils, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs and the Technology Pioneers Community.

For more information on the Global Shapers Community see www.globalshapers.org.


“We do not want to just define issues; we want to help to create solutions”

— Klaus Schwab